Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Did you know Santa doesn't exist?

Over the years I've been interested in the atheism/theism debate. I've read the articles, watched the videos, perused the blogs, and just kept informed on the issues. In January, I ended up getting into a written debate in the largest newspaper in our state. A University of Utah scientist even got involved in the publishing fray. Needless to say, I was quite unimpressed.

I have come to a conclusion recently: Argumentative, confrontational atheists are the most selfish people in the world. Now, before someone gets all huffy, I'm sure there's going to be an atheist who somehow stumbles onto this blog and vehemently disagrees. He may even decide to write a response. Well, I'm being very particular here. I'm referring to those who love to cause havoc on Christian blog sites, You Tube, and other places where there are forums. These type of people seem to enjoy arguing for argument's sake. If you're one of those, then yes, I'm referring to you.

The typical argument goes like this:

"It's blue." 
"No, it's red." 
"But look at the colors. It's definitely blue."
"You're such an idiot. It's red, it's so obvious."

And so on and so on. Some atheists don't bother arguing because, why should they? It just wastes precious minutes in a life that isn't long enough. Time for a Mai Tai. Leave me alone, they rationalize. And if their worldview is correct, they're absolutely correct. When I knock on their door and they politely tell me they're not interested, hey, I won't argue. It saves me time to knock on the next door. Why try to harvest where no seed has been sown?

Yes, the atheists I'm referring to love to get in the theists' faces, owning web sites and chat rooms where they can shut down Christians who dare to venture onto their sites to merely ask questions (trust me, I've been disconnected more than just once). In fact, I believe that these very well could be those cotton-picking kids who loved to waltz up to Santa Claus-believing classmates in elementary school, announcing, "The fat man doesn't exist. So there! Put that one in your pipe and smoke it, Geronomo."

The point is this: If God doesn't exist, then why wouldn't the hardened atheist leave the poor ignorant people alone? Sure, they believe in the fairy tale--of course, we're assuming it's all a big hoax--but they're not hurting anyone. Whether a person is deluded or a realist, in the atheist worldview, it all ends up the same at the end. We all turn to worm's meat, nothing is out there, and we really are all alone. So why are these argumentative atheists so intent on making the Christians look bad? The New Atheists (Hitchens, Dennett, Dawkins, etc) have worked really hard to make atheists tough and mean-spirited. And they have been most successful.

Some more questions: What kind of a kid would try to take away another child's belief in the mythical Santa, no matter how delusional it might be? Are they so spiteful so as to want to eliminate any hope the poor child has in the mystical and magical? I think we would all agree, this would be a very sick kid in need of counseling. 

Why not just let the child believe in elves, pixie dust, and perhaps even flying spaghetti  monsters? Let them announce to the world that such things exist. Privately, chuckle to yourself and roll your eyes. But to get into heated debates on the topic and campaign for your philosophy is surely a waste of resources. You have so many more important things to do, like climb mountains, make more money, and have an affair or two.

Confrontational atheists are the most selfish people on the face of the earth.  Just leave the poor theists alone and get a new hobby.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

A New Life Appears after Tragedy

This past week, a life was given new meaning. In the town of Manti, UT, a young gal named Kelcie became a believer. Let me tell you a little bit how this happened.

In mid-June during the Mormon Miracle Pageant that takes place for two weeks every year, Christians from all over the country gather together to share their faith in Manti, Utah. Put your thumb on a map smack dab in the middle of the state of Utah and you are putting it on Manti. Tens of thousands of people come during eight different evenings to attend the pageant, put on by the local townspeople, so Christians--more than a hundred each night--come to share their faith. For about three hours each morning of the event, the Christians gather at the city hall building to worship, pray, hear teaching, and fellowship.

On Saturday morning, a 20-year-old young lady named Edie gave her testimony about how she came out of the Mormon Church two years ago. It was a gripping talk, as she spoke from her heart about the transformation that took place in her life. Later, at the bar-b-q lunch put on by the church, a stepmother and her stepdaughter stopped by to see Russ, someone I know. Russ introduced me and Kencie became very excited. She quickly told me her story about how she had been married in a Mormon temple last September and how the ceremony disturbed her. She came out of the temple shaking, apparently unprepared for what had just taken place.

Unfortunately, her marriage ended in December, and by January she had left the Mormon Church that she had known for most of her life. She had nobody to turn to except her father and stepmother, both Christians. They gave Kencie a book--Mormonism 101--that Bill McKeever and I had written about a decade ago. It was, she told me, one of the reasons she left the church, and she felt that the book gave her insight about what Christianity really does teach.

So here she was in Manti, wanting to see what the pageant was all about. Something inside me said, "Go get Edie and introduce the two of them." Even though I had never met Edie, I pulled her away from her table and brought her over to Kencie. "Edie," I said, "your story is very similar to Kencie's, so I want you two to meet." 

They seemed to hit it off, so much so that they went to a near-by house in order to share their testimonies. Russ decided to film them as they spoke about how they had left Mormonism. Apparently Kencie still had not yet given her life over to Jesus, so I'd like to invite you to see the rest of this story as it unfolds in front of the camera.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoT1zR_llKs                      

As my friend Chip Thompson says, "God is good. All the time."

Monday, June 06, 2011

Emasculating the political correctness

Galatians 5::2-12 says,  

2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. 3 Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. 4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. 5 For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
 7 You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? 8 That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. 9 “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” 10 I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty. 11 Brothers and sisters, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. 12 As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!

When Osama Bin Laden was killed recently, Americans reacted differently. Some were happy, others became more fearful, and some even rejoiced in the streets. Afterward a number of Christian bloggers passed out shame to anyone who rejoices when an enemy is destroyed. A verse from the Proverbs was the most common citation, cited, I believe, out of context (despite the fact that Proverbs is not even written in context).

I am not going to preach about whether dancing in the streets was the right reaction. Perhaps it was, maybe it wasn't. For me, it was a somber moment, remembering how much destruction this man helped cause. But for those who feel like Christians should be mamby, pamby, all politically correct and everything nice, read Paul's words. He is criticizing the Judaizers who, though they claimed to be Christians, made it an important point to continue to follow the Jewish law and ceremoniously circumcise their devotees. 

Now read verse 12: "As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!" OK, time for a biology lesson. Males get circumcised. The foreskin is cut off. Emasculate = Castrate. In other words, Paul is suggesting that his opponents ought to keep cutting and eventually cut off their penises. Ouch, that hurts just writing it.

OK, I know that doesn't sound politically correct. And yes, the plural for a man's body part is what I have written above--shocking, huh? As serious as Paul seemed to be most of the time, he could have a little fun with a play (though painful) on body parts. (Some commentators wouldn't suggest Paul is tongue in cheek in making the comment; I, however think he is.) 

So, the overall message: There is a time and place for everything. For Paul, this was a chance to let out his frustration and put something in print that many who are reading this are probably having a hard time stomaching. But you know what? Paul is being real, and I like that. I hope to never be fake myself.

Osama Bin Laden got what was coming to him. I'm sorry he chose the path he did. He received justice on earth; how much more devastating will be justice from God. 

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